Survival rates in childhood cancer are increasing. Although this is a great success, up to 60 to 70% of childhood cancer survivors suffer from cancer- and treatment-related long-term effects that need life-long follow-up care.
We conduct and support collaborative research work on long-term follow-up care, develop guidelines and are a resource of research based information concerning all late side-effects of cancer treatment.
Current projects PanCare is working on:
e-QuoL is a European-funded project that aims at providing children, adolescents and young adults who have survived cancer with e-health tools designed specifically for and with them to help them manage their health. Its ultimate goal is to use e-health tools to promote equality in quality of life for children, adolescents and young adult cancer survivors in Europe.
PanCareSurPass is an EU-funded project looking at how to more widely implement the digital Survivorship Passport (SurPass) to improve survivorship care for survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer in Europe. PanCareSurPass will develop, test and implement the SurPass in participating countries and will develop material to support implementation in other countries.
The EU-funded project “EU-CAYAS-NET” will develop a “European Youth Cancer Survivors Network” alongside an interactive virtual platform. The network will foster social networking, peer-support, knowledge-exchange.
smartCARE is a flagship initiative in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, under the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027. The project is developing a cancer survivor smart card – in the form of a mobile app – to improve the health and wellbeing of cancer survivors throughout Europe.
The smartCARE Consortium will begin by identifying the needs of cancer survivors and support the app developer, the Bilbomatica Consortium, in building the prototype and bringing the vision to reality.
Previous projects PanCare has been working on:
UNICA4EU is a EU-funded initiative with a clear goal: map the current landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications for Childhood Cancer to understand how AI can help improve care pathways in the EU. A one-stop portal to host and curate resources and insights on Childhood Cancer and liaise future opportunities to expand the reach and uptake of clinical AI applications.
PanCareFollowUp is an EU-funded project looking at how to best deliver survivorship care to survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer in Europe. The aim of PanCareFollowUp is to deliver care according to recently developed guidelines using an innovative model for person centred care that empowers survivors and supports self-management.
PanCareLIFE was a 5-year (2013-8) EU Framework 7 Programme in the Health Theme that studied the impact of treatment regimes on the long-term health of childhood cancer survivors. Specifically, PanCareLIFE evaluated the risks of impairments in female fertility, in hearing, and in quality of life. PanCareLIFE also developed two guidelines for fertility preservation, and will disseminate widely the results from this project.
PanCareSurFup (PanCare Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivor Care and Follow-Up Studies) is a consortium of 16 European institutions in 11 countries, funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the EC, and carried out research studies into late effects of treatment for cancer, established guidelines for follow-up, and disseminated the results and provided training and workshops for stakeholders.
Other projects PanCare is or was involved in:
Survivorship Passport
The Survivorship Passport (SurPass) is a tool to provide all European childhood cancer survivors with optimal long-term care. It provides instant access to the medical history of patients who ended a cancer therapy, making survivors and healthcare professionals aware of the potential risks or late effects stemming from the previous disease and treatment received. The SurPass is still in development.
The Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC) is a 3-year initiative launched in October 2016 that aims to formulate policy recommendations on rare cancers that can be implemented by Member States and in relevant EU initiatives. The 3rd WP9 objective is lead by PanCare: To consolidate guidelines and recommendations on models of healthcare for survivors of childhood cancers, including long-term follow-up, transition to adult medicine, and the use of a Survivorship Passport.