Evidence-based recommendation for surveillance of late liver injury (IGHG a ) b
This page is part of the PanCare follow-up recommendations for surveillance of late effects. Click here, for more information on these recommendations.
a This recommendation reflects the recommendations of the evidence-based IGHG Late hepatic toxicity guideline (Late hepatic toxicity surveillance for survivors of childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer: Recommendations from the international late effects of childhood PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for long-term follow-up care 2024 47 cancer guideline harmonization group, Cancer Treatment Reviews, 2021, accessible through
b Further recommendations regarding gastro-intestinal problems are specified in the Consensus-based recommendation for gastro-intestinal problems.
c We assume that survivors with chronic viral hepatitis are followed by an appropriate specialist (e.g. hepatologist or infectious diseases specialist). Follow-up should be performed in all survivors with a history of chronic viral hepatitis according to the hepatitis clinical practice guidelines in each country (expert opinion).
d We did not formulate surveillance recommendations for FNH and NRH due to the benign nature of FNH and because these are rare entities that are typically detected incidentally. These outcomes are written in this recommendation to increase awareness and to avoid unnecessary investigations.
e Physical examination to evaluate height, weight, and body mass index and check for signs of liver disease or bile duct injury, i.e. hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice/icterus, spider naevi, pruritus.