
Below you can find the presentations of the PanCare online meeting of 8 October 2021.
Please click on a presentation to open it as a PDF file.

Presentations with the presenters name written in yellow are online available.

Session 1

PanCare & PanCare projects

Welcome and update on groups, committees and taskforces

Katrin Scheinemann

Membership and Fees

Jeroen te Dorsthorst

European PanCareFollowUp Recommendations for surveillance of late effects of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer

Helena van der Pal

Current status of PanCareSurPass

Desiree Grabow
Riccardo Haupt

PanCareSurFup update

Lars Hjorth

PanCareLIFE update

Julie Byrne

Session 2


Childhood Cancer Survivorship during the COVID-19 pandemic: Practice Implications and Provider Concerns.

Selina van den Oever

How are childhood cancer survivors thinking, feeling and living in a COVID-19 world

Ana Amariutei

COVID Vaccination

Agnieszka Matkowska-Kocjan

Session 3

Survivorship and Transition

Follow-up of childhood cancer survivors across Europe – current situation and the future

Lorna Zadravec Zaletel
Anna Panasiuk

View of survivors on survivorship and transition

Elena Constaninescu
Anna Apel

View of nurse on survivorship and transition

Emma Potter

PanCareFollowUp: How to establish survivorship care?

Helena van der Pal

PanCareFollowUp: Experience with the long term follow-up center

Katerina Kepakova
Tomas Kepak


Session 4

Late effects in Peadiatric neuro-oncology

Neurocognitive late effects in pediatric neuro-oncology

Thomas Traunwieser

Endocrine late effects in pediatric neuro-oncology

Gabor Szinnai

Interventions for cognitive late effects

Noor Al Dahhan

Session 5

Brainstorm and closing

Brainstorming session: Further research projects and collaborations

PanCare fall meeting Budapest 2022

Zsuzsanna Jakab


Katrin Scheinemann