PanCare Board Elections 2023
The election for the new members of the PanCare board are now open until 10 April 23:59 CEST
As PanCare board we strive for an optimal mix of medical doctors, researchers, nurses, other professionals and survivors and parents in the board. Therefore we are very happy with the applications we received for the new PanCare board, bringing new experiences and backgrounds. Three current board member will step down and two are running for re-election. This means you can vote up to five candidates for the new PanCare board. The board members stepping down are: Riccardo Haupt, Vesna Pavasovic and Rod Skinner.
Click on a candidates name to see more information.
Edit Bardi Tom Becker
Katerina Katsibardi Päivi Lähteenmäki
Hanne Cathrine Lie Rita Meranda
Anna Panasiuk Emma Potter
All PanCare members have received a username and password to vote in these elections by mail.
If you have lost these or have any other questions please send an email to
Your vote will be stored anonymous and the current board or the election committee will not be able to identify your vote. The Election ID and Election pass you received will be deleted immediately after the elections.
The new board will be installed during the General Assembly, organised online, 26 April 2023
Edit Bardi
I am Edit Bardi and I would like to nominate myself to the PanCare Board
I am working since 1996 as a pediatrician and specialized in pediatric hematolooncology and immunology. I am working in St Anna Childrens Hospital and in Kepler University Clinic, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.
In Linz, I have opened a new long term follow up clinic for young adults (ZONE Ambulanz) and in Wien I support he long term follow up outpatient clinic for young adults (IONA Ambualnz) also. My research area was always long term follow up. I defended my Ph.D in the nefrotoxicity in cancer children. I participate(d) 3 PanCare related research project (PCSF, PCFU and PCSP). I am the chair of I-BFM ELTEC Committee, which deals with the toxicity issues in leukemia and lymphoma patients.
I am one of the funding members of PanCare, served the board for a time. I have made a brake, but I am ready again to invest time and energy and serve the survivors in this way also.
Tom Becker
I am a childhood cancer survivor (neuroblastoma, treated 1992/93) now in my early 30s living in London and working in management consultancy,
helping organisations improve how they operate.
I still live with the side effects of my cancer treatment, but until 2022 I was unaware of the concept of childhood cancer “survivorship”. I came across PanCare last year and immediately signed up for the Budapest meeting.
Discovering such a friendly and knowledgeable community of health care professionals, researchers, policy makers and fellow survivors committed to improving quality of life after childhood cancer treatment was a profound experience for me and sparked my eagerness to get more involved.
Since Budapest, I have been active in the PanCare PLAIN working sessions. I enjoy helping to shape the content of brochures on side-effects and late-effects, providing an important resource for survivors.
As a PanCare Board member, I will bring my lived experience of survivorship over the last 30 years, as well as professional experience in policy analysis and development, project management and organisational understanding to help further PanCare’s mission.
I have particular interest in the provision of psychosocial support for survivors and helping to strengthen links with relevant UK-based organisations.
Katerina Katsibardi
Pediatric Oncology Hematology Unit
1st Department of Pediatrics
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece
Katerina is born in 1975 in Athens, Greece. She is a pediatric oncologist with an experience of more than 15 years in the field. Following medical school in Pecs, Hungary, she had the pediatric residency in Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital in Athens and her PhD in pediatric oncology. She has also been trained in the Erasmus MC and Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
She is working in the Pediatric Oncology Hematology Unit in Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital in Athens, since 2013 She is the coordinator of the Follow up Clinic for the childhood cancer survivors. Among her main attainments is the establishment of fertility preservation and the overall evaluation of the late effects in association with their genetic profile, mainly focusing in the evaluation of genetic polymorphisms related to premature ovarian failure.
She has attributed in the development of a “Guide for the Childhood Cancer” in Greece, which is given to all families at diagnosis. She is also responsible for organizing regular discussions with parents of cancer survivors from all over Greece.
She is a member of the PanCare and she has an active participation with oral and poster presentations in the meetings.
Päivi Lähteenmäki
Päivi Lähteenmäki graduated from the Medical School at the University of Turku in 1984, where she also specialized in Pediatrics and Pediatric
Hematology and Oncology.
She defended her thesis in 1999 on Effects of childhood cancer on patients and their families – physical and psychosocial aspects. She worked in 2002 as a post-doc Clinical and Research Fellow at Bristol Sick Children’s Hospital BMT Unit, Bristol, UK. Subsequently, she has worked as a Consultant at the Department of Pediatrics, University of Turku. Since 2008, she has been Docent (Adjunct Professor) of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, and Head of the Division of Pediatric and Adolescent Hematology/Oncology at Turku University Hospital in Turku, Finland. Currently she works also as the Chief of the Swedish Childhood Cancer Registry at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
During the years, Päivi Lähteenmäki has served as the chairman or a board member of the Nordic Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology as well as the Finnish Association of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. In 2012-2014, She was the chair of a group planning the establishment of childhood cancer late-effect clinics in Finland. In 2016, she was awarded the Finnish Cancer Association Price, Oncologist of the year in Finland.
Hanne Cathrine Lie
Name: Hanne Cathrine Lie
Country: Norway
Profession: Associate Professor in Behavioural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo
Hanne has been a member of PanCare since 2017. She has a PhD in experimental psychology and has worked as an Associate Professor in Behavioural Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo, Norway, since 2018.
The main focus of Hanne’s research since 2010 has been childhood cancer survivors (CCS), follow-up care, patient and parents’ needs and clinical communication, with a special interest in providing information about late effects to young survivors. In her research, Hanne uses large-scale questionnaire studies, qualitative interviews and co-creation. Current projects investigate self-management of fatigue in adolescent CCS, physical activity interventions for young survivors (see, and interventions to improve transitions off treatment to follow-up and from paediatric to adult survivorship care. Hanne also contributes to the work done by the IGHG to harmonize guidelines for the follow-up care of CCS (fatigue and health behaviour groups).
Hanne is passionate about empowering survivors and their families to navigate life after cancer in the best possible ways, and works with the Norwegian Childhood Cancer Association to do so.
Rita Meranda
When I was 11 years, my life changed completely. I was diagnosed with a AML. After a bone marrow transplant, I went on remission and for (almost )31 years,
the cancer as gone away, but the black cloud is always around me. It was not easy back then, in 1990, Portugal was still testing the Autologous transplant procedure, so I was sent to London to do my transplant. After about 4 months, I was back to my country and my family, cured. After this, going back to school, with no hair, was another barrier that I had to overcome. Each year that passes, I feel the effects of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy growing on me, that is why I feel that I will give PanCare an enormous contribution, I do have a big experience on being survivor. I also realise, each day, that my experience and my history is important and powerful and has a huge impact. Also I feel that the south of Europe is not represented at the actual board. I hope you give me the opportunity to leave a mark on PanCare.
Anna Panasiuk
I am pediatrician and pediatric oncologist/hematologist from Poland. Currently I am working at Bone Marrow Transplant Unit in Wroclaw.
From the very beginning of the training as a doctor problems of patients after cancer treatment, who had long-term sequelae of the therapy were in the spectrum of my interests.
Meetings organised by the PanCare Society were the main source of the knowledge for my clinical practice, so now building international network of specialists who work on the best-practice standards for patient care is close to my heart.
Since 2021 I am Honorary Treasurer, reporting the financial status of the PanCare Society.
Emma Potter
Registered Adult General Nurse [RGN], Diploma child health nursing, BSc Specialist practice Children’s Community Nursing,
Post Graduate Certificate Teenage / Young Adult Cancer nursing.
I’m Nurse Practitioner with 10 years’ experience in childhood cancer long term follow up (LTFU) at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London. My interests lie in managing triadic communication, communicating with young people about things that matter to them, motivating self-care /behaviour change, peer support and transition.
Within my hospital I have implemented nurse led clinics and a structured transition program for patients moving to supported self-management or hospital based adult specialist care. We are proud that every patient entering the LTFU service is offered a treatment summary and individualised LTFU care plan.
I believe working collaboratively, outside of traditional organisational boundaries is essential for understanding and addressing improvement challenges. In my first term on the board, I chaired the PanCare communication group, collaborated with survivors, parents and professionals to write patient information brochures, organised the first PanCare nurses’ workshop and helped to establish the PanCare/SIOPE nurses working group. If I am elected for a second term on the board, I will continue to work to support the growth of PanCare as a multidisciplinary, collaborative network of professionals, survivors, and their families.