Here you can find the webinar on Long-term Survivorship Care: Navigating Fertility and Intimacy Challenges. This webinar was organized within the EU-CAYAS-NET project and is intended for survivors and their close ones, healthcare professionals, researchers, and anyone interested in these topics to attend this webinar.

Many childhood, adolescent or young-adult cancer survivors are facing fertility and intimacy problems due to cancer treatment. How can long-term survivorship care be of help to navigate these challenges? In this webinar, various speakers share their knowledge and lived experience with these topics.

This webinar gives an in-depth overview of the impact which CAYA cancer treatment could potentially have on fertility and intimacy issues for survivors. How can survivors cope with these challenges? What issues arise when it comes to self love, body image and (intimate) relationships? And how can we as a community of survivors and health care professionals be of support to those who go through feelings of uncertainty, loss, hope and resilience?

Speakers who contribute during this webinar are long-term survivorship care specialist Dr. Helena van der Pal, gynecologist Simone Broer, nurse practitioner and oncofertility specialist Irene IJgosse and Iris Wilmink and Lon van Keulen, who are both survivors and each other’s life partner. The webinar is hosted by hematologist/oncologist Prof. Dr. Med. Katrin Scheinneman who is also the chair of the PanCare board.

Here you can view the highlights of the webinar:

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Here you can view the webinar in full-length:

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