Here you can find the educational video on Education and Career Support.

Cancer and it’s treatment can have a lasting impact on education and career opportunities. It leads to more involuntary absences from school or the workplace and institutions often do not know how to provide support. After treatment, returning to school, training or work can be a major challenge. On the one hand, it can be socially and emotionally exhausting to reconnect after a long absence. On the other hand, the long-term effects of the disease or treatment can make it difficult to regain previous levels of ability, performance and stress tolerance. Cognitive, emotional or social late effects can sometimes occur many years after the disease or treatment, which can then lead to setbacks for survivors. However, with the right support and resources, survivors can thrive and pursue their dreams. This video sheds light on the unique challenges faced by survivors, while also highlighting their capabilities and potential opportunities for education and career advancement. Let’s raise awareness and support cancer survivors in pursuing their education and careers.

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