Registration workshops Wednesday morning 12 October
PanCare is working to achieve equity of access to care for childhood cancer survivors across Europe. Important in reaching this goal is an optimal collaboration between, professionals, survivors and their families and researchers. To bring these groups together and give them the opportunity to learn from each others country specific issue we will organise parallel sessions during PanCare Budapest:
For young researchers we will organise the 5th PanCare Educational Day. This is a half-day educational meeting for colleagues from the Eastern and Southern European region and for young researchers and residents in the field of childhood oncology (especially PhD students). The course will provide background information on childhood cancer survivorship, scientific work and methods. The Educational Day will be organised in the morning of 12th October prior to the general meeting.
In the morning of 12 October there will be also parallel sessions offered for both survivors and nurse and other allied health care professionals active in transition care:
- The programme for nurses and allied healthcare professionals will focus on communication and transition care and is a great way to connect professionals in the same field from all over Europe and to exchange experiences.
- The survivor programme will be a great opportunity from survivors to meet other survivors and learn from each others experiences in the own countries and how to be able to optimize the own survivorship care.
More information on the programme of the parallel sessions will follow.
To register yourself for one of these workshops please complete the form below.