25th PanCare meeting: Utrecht

The 25th PanCare Meeting will be organised online by the Princess Máxima Center from 19 – 20 May 2021

We are very happy to invite you to the 25th PanCare meeting that will be organised by the Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic the meeting will be unique. It will be organised completely online and you can participate from your own home or workplace.

PanCare Utrecht will offer an interactive programme with interesting presentations, scientific updates on the European research grants, a survivor session and room for social interaction to connect with others. We will celebrate our 25th meeting annniversary online. The programme is of interest for everyone connected to PanCare: Survivors, Parents, Researchers, Healthcare professionals and everyone else that is interested.

On Wednesday 19 May 2021, the meeting will be from 13.00 – 18.00 (including our celebration). Thursday 20 May, we will start at 09.00 and continue until 17.00.

The programme can be found here (PDF)

Please click here to register.

Abstract submission is currently closed. Please click here for more information regarding abstract submission.

Young researchers are invited to attend the 3rd Educational Day that will be organised in the morning of the 19th. Please click here for more information about the educational day.

Local organisers: Princess Máxima Center, Heidelberglaan 25 Utrecht, the Netherlands

Venue: Your own home or workplace

Programme: The draft programme will be available soon.

Registration: Click here to register for PanCare Utrecht

Abstract: Click here to submit your abstract