Abstract submission
You can submit your abstract to present at the online PanCare Utrecht meeting by completing the form below.
Abstract sessions will be interactive, selected abstracts will either be presented by an invited talk or in a speed-dating session.
Please submit your abstract by March 31st 2021. Notifications about acceptance of your abstract will be send out on April 19th 2021.
Please be aware of the following:
- Abstracts regarding research should follow the structure of the form (Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion).
- Abstracts regarding projects or initiatives should describe the purpose and results of the particular project.
- Previously presented work has to show new content to be accepted.
- The abstract should be clear and short, written in English.
- The abstract should contain no more than 250 words, and a maximum of 1 table and figure.
- You can upload additional figures or tables if required. Uploads may be in PDF, DOC, JPG or PNG.
- Scientific abstracts will be judged on fixed points by the abstract committee.
If you have any questions please send an email to info@pancare.eu