Emma Potter
United Kingdom
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Long term follow up childhood cancer
Emma is a member of the PanCare board and a steering group member of the SIOPE nursing working group.
A Registered Adult General Nurse [RGN] with a Diploma in child health nursing, BSc Specialist practice Children’s Community Nursing, Post Graduate Certificate Teenage / Young Adult Cancer nursing.
Emma works as a Nurse Practitioner at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London supporting young people and their families as they prepare for adult life following completion of treatment for childhood cancer.
She has implemented nurse led clinics and a structured transition program for patients moving to supported self-management in the community or specialist hospital based adult care. Key to this is ensuring every young person is offered a treatment summary and individualised care plan for long term follow up.
Emma’s interests lie in communicating with young people about things that matter to them, motivating self-care /behaviour change, peer support and transition. She is a member of the CCLG UK late effects group, International Guideline Harmonisation psychosocial working group, SIOPEN N QoL – Long Term Outcome group and volunteers with the Solving Kids Cancer UK helping to organise their breakout sessions for parents and survivors.
Involved in the following committees: Pancare Board