Lars Hjorth
Born 1958 in Malmö, Sweden. Qualified from Medical School at Lund University 1987. Working at Skåne University Hospital in Lund since 1990. Qualified as a Paediatrician 1994. Appointed as Consultant in Paediatric Oncology in 2000. Specialist in Paediatric Oncology 2007 (Paediatric Oncology was not a speciality of its own in Sweden until 2007). Head of Paediatric Oncology & Haematology Lund 2007-2010. Chairman SALUB (Swedish Working Group for Long-term Follow-up after Childhood Cancer) 2004-2012. Chairperson PanCare (Pan-European Network for Care of Survivors after Childhood and Adolescent Cancer) 2008-2017, Board member again since May 2021. Coordinator PanCareSurFup (Collaborative Project in the Seventh Framework Programme of the EU) 2011-2017. Partner PanCareFollowUp since 2019. Work Package Leader in ExPO-r-Net 2014-2017. Board member of SIOPE since 2016. Partner ERN-PaedCan. Member of the EU Beating Cancer Plan Stakeholder Contact Group. Member of the NASLCCC Program Committee. Member of the LTFU Working Group of the Accelerate Platform. Special interest in late complications and survivorship issues after childhood cancer, long-term follow-up, nephrotoxicity, quality of life and bone sarcomas. I am also co-leading the late effects clinic at the department of oncology at Skåne University Hospital in Lund.