Thorsten Langer

University Luebeck, University Hospital for Children and Adolescents,

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Langer is a Pediatric Oncologist at University Luebeck, University Hospital for Children and Adolescents. Thorsten is a Member of I-BFM-SG ELTEC since 1995,  he is national study chairman “late effects after childhood cancer” since 2008 in Germany, national and international studies on late effects after cancer in children and adolescents using multicenter studies designs. Thorsten is involved in the development of guidelines for long-term follow-up and of childhood survivorship programs. Genetic causes of late effects in this cohort, mainly for cardio- and ototoxicity. Interdisciplinary late effects clinics for former children, adolescents and young adults with cancer, linking these national and international late effects clinics.

Thorsten is attending the PanCare conferences since Lund 2008 and was part of the PanCare Newsletter Editorial Board from  2010 – 2014, He was workpackage leader for ototoxicity in PanCareLIFE from 2013 – 2018.