Monica Muraca

Country: Italy
Profession: clinical coordinator of the Late Effects Clinic at the Gaslini Institute.

I’m Dr. Monica Muraca and I currently serve as clinical coordinator of the Late Effects Clinic at the Gaslini Institute in Italy.

My experience in the management of long-term effects in childhood cancer survivors began in 2016 with my progressive involvement in several European projects focused on survivorship and in the definition of IGHG guidelines.

Through my journey within the PanCare Community, I have learned the importance of comprehensive support and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of live of survivors. In particular, each professional and personal experience have provided me with valuable insights into best practices and innovative approaches in survivorship care.

I am determined to actively contribute to ensure that each survivors and caregivers can face their challenges with adequate resources and a strong support network.  I believe my unique perspective can bring significant value to the PanCare’s goals.