Basel, Switzerland

The next PanCare Meeting will be held in Basel, from the 11-13 September.


Kollegienhaus University of Basel, Peterplatz 1, 4001 Basel


The draft programme will be available soon.


(Deadline 30 August 2019) Click here to complete your registration FUN RUN on 12th September, from 07h00 to 08h00 C lick here to complete your registration FUN RUN MAP is available here


Please click here to book your special rate acommodation

Education day for young researchers on 11 September 2019 (closed event)

In order to request more information, please send an email to katrin.scheinemann @

Abstract submission (Deadline: 31 July 2019)


Important practical information:

– How to get to Basel?

– Free Basel public transport

– Networking Dinner Directions